

Monday, November 29, 2010


Assalamualaikum. Hey dear diaries. Lately Im not in the mood of writing any entry. Now, i feel bored & feel like to share something about my madness. HELLO KITTY! 

Why Hello Kitty? I fell in love with it  because all of its stuffs are pink. That is what my favourite colour is. I'm obsess with PINK. And I do have friends that called me PINQY. I love it because it is me. I don't care what other people think about me as long as I am who I am, that's fine with me =D

Because of my obsession of PINK, everything that I have must be pink. Believe me, you wouldn't expect little things that i have also PINK in colour. HAHA! I love it & that is why I love HELLO KITTY So, in this entry, I'll share a bit of my stuff that is PINK and of course it is HELLO KITTY ^^, 

 This is my Lappie but it is 'old' version and below is my Lappie now =)

 I use Hello Kitty wallpaper & what i love the most is my rocketdock. Thanks to my hubby as he downloaded it for me =D I love the icons!

I've changed my mouse too. Cute isn't it? wee~

What's next??

TADAA! My own version of Hello kitty sony ericsson phone. Ehehehe. I'm still searching for the best Hello Kitty phone that I could find, then I'm sure I'll buy the cutest one ^^,

I bought this in KL with my hubby and we search all over the town for this. Alhamdulillah, I finally found the perfect one!

Next pictures is my HELLO KITTY accessories. Jom check it out guys~

The 1 set of multicolour Hello Kitty I bought at Wisma Satok, Kuching, S'wak & the other one I found it at one of the shop in Seremban (can't recall the name of the shop).

My hubby bought it for me when we went for a walk at Kuching Waterfront. And this handkerchief also he bought it for me.Thx abg!

That's it for today. I've got many Hello kitty stuffs to show in up coming entry ( don't know when) but i'll share it soon as I know there is a lot of people love HELLO KITTY same as me!

See you guys next time! Syukran =)